We are excited to welcome new and emerging services at Remind My Life. Introducing OUR MEDITATION CLUB!

We are excited to welcome new and emerging services at Remind My Life. Introducing OUR MEDITATION CLUB!

Services will be including; Our new library of Meditations and Wellness Programs. Book in for one of our Workshops or Reserve your spot at our next Wellness Retreat. There will be many classes to take to get you zen on or simple start shopping for COMFORT. All available now and into the near future. visit our new website and side arm of Remind My Life: OUR MEDITATION CLUB. To learn more visit our new website WWW.OURMEDITATIONCLUB.COM

When you don’t want to pick up the phone….

When you don’t want to pick up the phone….

When you don’t want to pick up the phone….So shit has gotten really real since we moved back to the city. I can’t get a job doing what Im trained to do because of the stupid not saying it and Im struggling to apply myself to one of the other many digital remote things I know how to do because its a long game, meaning its not financially variable right now to put too much effort in. So I find…

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REMIND MY LIFE (RML) was created 8 years ago to bring awareness around time and being present. How precious time and life is. More than ever I still feel this is the case. Living a created life rather than one you have fallen into is one of the biggest challenges we face today. As the system grooms us into being and acting a certain way. We end up going with the flow and not always in the direction one was…

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Ebook Launch

Ebook Launch

Expect the Unexpected Hello, how are you all? I thought it was time to start putting together everything into themed tidy ebooks. So here is the first of many ebooks listed on Amazon I plan to create. Im dedicating this one to all of my loyal followers and fans of my blog and lovers of my pregnancy blogs especially. I called it Expect the Unexpected! It is about my pregnancy journey with the missing piece of the journey the births…

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Finally you can Subscribe to be notified of our latests and greatest! Im so happy to make this happen.

Finally you can Subscribe to be notified of our latests and greatest! Im so happy to make this happen.

I feel like Ive had a technical breakthrough tonight, figuring this out. Feels amazing please simply fill out your details below and we will notify you when we post a new blog or have a new product or service to provide you. I have compared many products over the last weeks and have gone with active campaign to look after your emails and details. I have also included the ability to leave your number so if you would like to…

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Blogging Tips

Blogging Tips

Ive been asked a few times for blogging advise and do I have any tips for new and aspiring bloggers? Firstly all the information on our website and blog is free, so we welcome Donations to cover the administration, writing and running costs. We really appreciate all of your love, support and encouragement to continue writing and sharing what we’ve discovered. I know I am here to make a difference and we really value your feedback and requests for information….

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Don’t let your excuses stop you!

Don’t let your excuses stop you!

Omg I could totally let my excuses stop me posting right now. I literally finished editing my notes and writing this post in the quick draft section of wordpress and lost it because I was adding a link and forgot to save the draft before hand. Im so mad right now, Im walking away to do some house work and then I’ll come back. Okay, Im back. So Im a big believer that everything happens for a reason and it…

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How I lost 19kg’s eating Chocolate Brownies….!

How I lost 19kg’s eating Chocolate Brownies….!

SUBSCRIBE. How I lost 19kg’s eating chocolate brownies and in 8 months! That right I lost 19kg’s in 8 months. That’s losing roughly 0.5kg’s per week over a course of 37 weeks and if I lose 6 more kilograms Il be back to my starting weight. Woohoo!! Doesn’t that get you excited??!! It gets me excited!! So lets get serious for a minute and take it back a bit. Firstly how did I manage to put on 24 kg in…

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Why do we give up so quickly?

Why do we give up so quickly?

Why do we give up so quickly? We never give up trying when we are a baby. My 7 month old attempts things, a hundred times. I watched him on his hands and knees rocking backwards and forwards on the one spot for weeks and he even goes backwards before he goes forwards, which is funny for me to watch, but frustrating for him as he moves further and further away from his toys. Then one day right in front…

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Version 3- What’s new with the RemindMyLife APP

Version 3- What’s new with the RemindMyLife APP

Version 3 – What’s new with the RemindMyLife APP…Version 3 available free NOW to download! Remind My Life application is the lifestyle stop watch everyone needs. You can’t buy more or borrow more time, its limited and expires everyday. The RemindMyLife App has been designed to increase your awareness and balance your time with health in mind. It is simple and easy to use. With its NEW one tap START/STOP functionality you can count every second of the day and…

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