Blogging Tips
Ive been asked a few times for blogging advise and do I have any tips for new and aspiring bloggers?
Firstly all the information on our website and blog is free, so we welcome Donations to cover the administration, writing and running costs. We really appreciate all of your love, support and encouragement to continue writing and sharing what we’ve discovered. I know I am here to make a difference and we really value your feedback and requests for information.
So firstly if you are going to blog, write about what interests you. If you write about what interests you, you will be interested in writing, simple. Blogging isn’t a one time thing. And second alot of people worry about your audience and what they will think. And I say don’t worry about your audience. You audience will find you because naturally they will be interested in what you are writing about or they won’t and they will move on. But don’t be discouraged if they do they are not your audience and not for you. Your audience is interested and will return and continue to support and encourage you.
One thing Ive been told is work out who your audience is and write for them. But I feel like this is a bit backwards personally because when you are writing for an audience you are not present. You are trying to think what people want and this is like trying to read someones mind and guess what, we can’t read peoples minds and Im pretty sure we don’t have technology for that yet either. lol
When it comes to writing styles please write what’s in your heart and mind. Its better to write than not write at all. My style is discovery. I always write about what Ive discovered on my journey and that is my writing style. But your writing style may well be completely different and thats okay, be true to yourself and be yourself. How you write is perfect. You might be a humourous writer, you might be a serious writer, you may choose to write about fact or fiction you will have a style even if you don’t know it yet. Most important tip here is to just write.
When it comes to choosing a topic or subject, be clear about what you want to write about. I write about all things health and tech and what Ive discovered on my journey. You may write about travel, food and dining, sports, property. Whatever you choose make sure you are interested in the topic. Because if you are writing about something you are not interested in, your audience will notice. So my second most important tip is to write about what you are interested in so your audience will be engaged.
So what about platforms, find a user friendly platform to write on. Something simple you can create drafts on and come back to later to continue writing. When I started out I had no idea and so I hired a professional company to set up my website and blog, which was done on wordpress and now I can build simple websites and blogs on If you are looking for a professional recommendation Id suggest ChicMic if you are looking for a reliable company at a compediative price. There is lots of platforms out there but most come at a cost. Buying the Domain name is the first step and for this I used Net Registry. But you can do both on, buy the domain name and then build your website and blog.
So why are you doing it? If you don’t have a clear vision. The motivation to continue writing will wane and so will your following. More than that you will find it hard to think of topics or subjects to write about. For example Ive created this blog to inspire, inform and motivate and the purpose in sharing what Ive discovered is to be informative, increase awareness around living consciously and not taking anything for granted, especially time.
Layout and design well it is really personal choice and choosing what you like is all about creating your own style and own following. So trust yourself. People will enjoy your uniqueness and originality. Some people add photos, comments and have lots of advertising. For the first few years, I did no advertising, added no photos and didn’t allow anyone to comment as I wanted to keep the site clean. I now allow commenting but only after I have read it and approved the comment and Ive added minimal advertising on my site however I don’t make any money from it so I wouldn’t follow the placement Ive used on my site if you are looking to monetising because it hasn’t been effective. All the information on our website is free, so we welcome Donations to cover the administration and running costs.
Finally proof read your work or ask someone to do this for you.
We really hope this has been helpful to getting you started. Ive included the hyperlinks to the companies I would recommend. We appreciate all of your love, support and encouragement to continue.
Thanks again