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When you don’t want to pick up the phone….

When you don’t want to pick up the phone….

When you don’t want to pick up the phone….So shit has gotten really real since we moved back to the city. I can’t get a job doing what Im trained to do because of the stupid not saying it and Im struggling to apply myself to one of the other many digital remote things I know how to do because its a long game, meaning its not financially variable right now to put too much effort in. So I find myself flipping from one thing to the next. It’s the kind of work that needs consistent effort and focus to gain traction to then gain a wage.

I feel so frustrated, we need instant capital to grow our businesses and advertising and today I really didn’t want to pick up the phone and call my old boss and beg for a job, but in the end I did. But first I chickened out and sent an email. A totally in effective action as it will probably be lost in the hundreds of emails everyone receives on a daily bases. But I sent it and after I sent it I realised how in effective this action was and dialled her number anyway. So Im dialing and she didn’t pick up. I felt insignificant, rejected and thought ‘maybe she doesn’t want to speak to me.’ Why would she? she hasn’t heard from me in years and the first she does is via an email and a token call where I don’t leave a msg.

Flipping the coin now, its possible she is busy, maybe even swimming in this hot weather and doesn’t have her phone on her. Maybe my call put a smile on her face. She hasn’t heard from me in a while and is wondering how Im do? anything is possible!! So I have called and emailed so at the very least she will notice and I trust I will receive a response. Now it’s time to let it go. And put a follow up in for three days time just in case I don’t hear from her. Oh it is so easy to start sliding down the slippery slop when you feel like the cards are stacked against you and the bills keep mounting up.

I choose not to go out of action and stay in action by writing it down. Because I know if its written down its no longer with me and it’s out of my head. That goes for a list of jobs, a list of repeated thoughts. So even the reminder to call my old boss in three days time. It is written down. So I don’t have to keep thinking about it. Its in my diary I will see it on Friday if I don’t hear from her before then. I highly recommend writing down all annoying thoughts haha.

So time to refocus, just took an enquiry call. What’s the plan from now, complete this blog. Pat myself on the back for what Ive achieved today. Im patting myself on the back for sending out a job application, sending the email, making the call, creating a whole work uniform line which Ive sent to the client, called them about it and posted about it to create more leads. Set up shopify, chased up two invoices and completed our finances.

My day started with a list and has ended with a list with lines through it. Its nearly time for me to go collect my boys from childcare. But I have two more jobs to complete at the postoffice and for my mum. I have fired up my designrr program so I can write a book tonight. The plan is set, no distractions now excepted for playing and looking after my kids til they fall asleep.

I really hope that sharing this will help show the power of writing a list and what you can achieve in one day and the importance of picking up the phone and making the call so you are not lost in a hundred emails of insignificance. Lists and phone calls guys, lists and phone calls.

Stay in action!

Love Always
